maandag 7 september 2009


So my last blog was kinda introducing everyone to the blog. Now I'm actually gonna VENT!! About my day. What else is there? =] hehe.

So I woke up at like... 3 p.m. eventually. I got up a couple times, went back to sleep. Well eventually got up & today was the day I got to spend with my bestie! We lounged like ALL day. We went and had sushi, then on the way home she got me some taco's! Which were YUMMY F.Y.I. But we made a youtube video on our channel and then we were just hangin'.

Right now I am squirming around on my bed because I am about to start my period, and I can feel it! Within the next like... couple of days. And I'm totally not ready for it! Not with tour and everything. I'm SUPER irregular. And that isn't a good thing at all. I'm actually on BC to help regulate it... uhh... DOESN'T HELP. So I'm completelyyy stressing!

Tomorrow I have rehearsal at 10 a.m. SHARP! I don't want to over sleep but I CANNOT sleep! I honestly tried. And it didn't happen! I am an insomniac, which means that I can't sleep. It's a "disease" meaning that you can't sleep, you're up for almost days at a time. I don't have it THAT severe, but I'm always up till at least 4 a.m. and with all that is going on, that's NOT good!!

Then to top it all off I have had the WORST case of writers block! I get this AMAZING idea in my head for a song, get half way through, then lose all inspiration! I CANNOT finish a song! It's been like a week. And it doesn't help that when I'm writing I am SUPER personal. I try and keep it to myself until it's finished! Well my friend was playing on my phone the other day and COMPLETELY went through all of the "notes" i had stored of lyrics that had come to mind.


"There's a lot of "loves" in there Miles." UGH! I was SO ticked off. I wanted to rip his head off! I just grabbed my phone and said "I didn't write that. My friend had my phone and must've written it." I felt SO bad. I LIED! But I was SO humiliated, because he laughed at my work after I've been trying REALLY hard to actually be able to write. Writing music is my HEART. And he completely exploited that! I was SO embaressed because that was VERY personal what he was reading. He was on my phone, ORIGINALLY, to check his emails. because he had very important e-mails coming in.

So I was like "Okay, check em." I am VERY clingy to my phone. I can share EVERYTHING, and ANYTHING, with ANYONE. But NOT my phone! That's normally for my hands only! It's got everything in there. My notes, my lyrics, my vents to myself, "remind me"'s. It has personal text messages, voice mails that I save from people. It just has EVERYTHING! Tons of VERY personal things. And he went OFF of his email, into my NOTES, and read my songs! I was SO mad.

So I've been REALLY stressed for a few days, pinched for time, and I have tour in a WEEK!!! I want this to be the BEST tour ever so I'm completely working DAY and NIGHT! Ugh.

On a lighter note,is ANYONE else excited for the new Madea movie?! I'm SO stoked I can't wait to see it!! =] "HELLER!" I cannot WAIT. I'm having SO many Madea sesh's lately! She's SO funny and can make EVERYTHING better! But I have to fast forward to JUSt the Madae parts! I think they should make a STRICT Madea movie! Not tied in with all of the depression =[ I go to Madea to lead AWAY from depression! And there's always that story line that makes my heart hurt! MADEA NEEDS HER OWN MOVIE!!! Maybe "I can do bad all by myself" will be more Madea, LESS tears! =]

UGH! Well I'm feelin' my eyes getting kinda heavy... I'll take advantage of this while I can and TRY to sleep. Although I'm getting a morning call in... about 5 minutes! so after that I will deff try sleeping. My "morning calls" are from someone that isn't in my time zone momentarily! They're super busy with an AMAZING project that I cannot WAIT to see A.S.A.P! =]]]

Anywho, maybe I can vent better tomorrow!!!

Love always, MILEY CYRUS <3

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