maandag 7 september 2009


So as you all know I am a HUGE mileyworld blogger. I vent there for almost all of my problems. Well of course I'm 16 years old and I'm going to need getting songs out, heartbreak venting, ect. I need a place to be myself where stupid blog sites won't find me. A place for myself, where the news won't read my words to the world. You might find it nice to see everything I do all over tv but quite frankly it isn't that great of a gig.

I find myself beautiful, as everyone should. But earlier I was sitting infront of a mirror with my little sister Noah Lindsey, and I was just thinking to myself, "Dang Miles. You gotta get it together." within the last few months I've been working SUPER hard. Filming a Nicholas Sparks movie, "The Last Song", creating AND publishing an album "The Time of Our Lives", and also planning a tour. Now most tours take up to 7 months to plan. We had about 3 weeks to plan for this, and we've been working mainly the past week.

I am now dancing, singing, doing all of my rehearsing from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
It stresses me, not gonna lie. I have so much I have to do, and I'm also a girl. I want to have time with my friends before I leave around the country, and eventually FINALLY touring into other countries as well. I'm so excited for tour, but I think it's finally hitting me that I'll be under a belt for the next few months.

My band is SO hard core, and the people working with me are absolute genius'. But I need some time for me too. Which is where these late nights come in. I honestly get NO "me" time. Whatever THAT is suppose to mean. I hear it mentioned SO much recently. "I need ME time." "I need some ME time." and I can't help but think it sounds selfish. Maybe not so much selfish as in foolish. I've been the same, but I think about it... why take "ME" time? These moments could be the last we have. Why not have "US" time. Family, friends, even romances. Experiences are what make AND break us. That's something SO important.

I had a really rough break up in June. I was very serious about it, and took it very deeply. But now we are friends, and that's important. I am happy right now. I am happy where I am, I am happy being myself and fidning myself in my music. Music is definetley a NUMBER ONE priority for me, and I hope that is realized. I, of course, put GOD and my family first. But my music is something that MAKES me. I am not in this for the "money", money holds to much power. Control over some people's minds, and lives. It's disgusting how much greed for profit is in our generation. The newest pair of shoes, or the newest game isn't worth food. Or someone else' suffering. Of course spending is natural, but some people take it so SUCH an extreme that it controls their lives, and that, I truly pity.

But music is my outlet, my inspiration, my dream, my passion, my drive, my LIFE. It holds what and who I am. How to express that. And explains in detail, ME.

I can't help but address how sad it is to hear some of today's music. Knowing that people are listening to that, and the artist is HAPPY about releasnig such trash. By trash I do NOT mean "dirty" or anything. But just something that isn't respectful, something that doesn't REFLECT who you are. Something that has no heart or passion in it. It's taking away from the TRUE artists that can't make it. That spend EVERYDAY fighting for their music to be heard that comes from their HEART. DEEP music is rarely appreciated these days. And taht's sad. And I hope to someday be able to completely change that. To change the WORLD's outlook on music completely. To appreciate it geniunely.

Okay, I'm getting WAY off base now. This is for me to write and vent so taht the WORLD won't see it. Won't pick and put a microscope on EVERY word, every detail and try and make things of it. Address some SERIOUS issues and speak my mind.
It means the world to me that my voice is listened to. That I actually have a VOICE that is suggestive. But I don't ever want to make ME say smoething that changes your true moral value. Never change yourself!

It's kinda sad actually... I saw today that someone who used to be in my life is actually becoming very obsessive. And that's so pitiful to me. I feel so sorry for them. We don't speak, and we actually dislike eachother VERY much. Our outlooks are VERY different now days, and the fact someone can be completely engulfed in themselves, that they can truly believe in things so... egotistically. I'm not getting into that. Either way, they're literally trying to talk to me as someone that "isn't" them. And that is very sad to me. I do NOT hope they read this, I was just venting. But if they do, oh well! =]

I'm 16. I have friends, I have those people I dislike. I have rumors, EVERYWHERE. And it's tragic that our generation is so obsessive about social ranking. Hopefully we can soon change that too. Maybe I'll vent a bit more next time. =]

And maybe a little more personal. This was just to welcome you into my humble little self-corner that I can truly express myself. I hope ya'll enjoyed this and didn't just tune out half way. I truly love the readers, and everything. The supporters on my "privacy" places, are my absolute BEST fans. The ones that have so much trust in me! I LOVE ya'll, so so much.

Here, I am not SPEAKING as "Miley Cyrus, POPSTAR". I am writing as Miley. The girl from Tennessee ONLY. I am speaking abuot my work, yes. And it's clear that you can talk about if your excited for the things coming up. But this will hopefully put out there that there is more to me than Hollyweird.

I love you guys so much, I hope you know how much I TRULY appreciate you!

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